Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Doug Lamborn apologized for Tar baby

The representative Doug Lamborn (R-Co.) apologized for the "tar baby" comment made in a controversial local radio program last week, while discussing President Barack Obama and the debate over the debt ceiling.

"Although some people say," Well, Republicans should have done this or should have done this, "will be held the president responsible. Now, do not even have to be associated with him. M 'touch is like a tar baby who receives it, you're stuck, and are part of the current problem and can not leave. "

Monday, Lamborn sent a personal letter to President Obama "excuses to use a term that some find it insensitive," his office said in a news release. Congress was "trying to tell a radio audience this past week that the president's policy created economic chaos of the nation and are responsible for the deplorable economic conditions our faces. Regrets that he chose" Tar Baby ", the term instead of the word "quagmire." Congress believes that the president accept his sincere apology. "

Lamborn told the Denver Post "I'm certainly not a crime, and if this is on his radar, I'm sure he will take no action and will be happy to accept my apology, because it is a man of nature. "


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